Order of the rose

A gift is a burden until we know we are the gift.  


The mentorship

It's one thing to know you are gifted, it's another thing to use your gift. This is all about knowing who you are and believing you are that important to not play small any longer. I am not here to tell you who you are of what your gift is, I am here as someone who believes in herself and therefore in you.

That's why something just happens when you enter my field and this container.  My experience is that clients start to see, feel, know what they couldn't before in a different way.  You could say this is a reason for their initiation, a catalyzation into their next stage or remembrance of who they are. While it might be that one doesn't completely understand what happens on the level of the mind, the soul knows what it's doing. This often means clients are asked to step into the unknown, the place where the magic happens and where their magic awaits to be viewed with another perspective. This because a gift is a burden until we know we are the gift.

While I am devoted to serve the unifield field, rehabilitating my dna and strengthening my core while softening my heart, it takes two to tango. Or better said, it takes a team to tango.
All my containers are in co creation with the unified field and forces and feelings of love, power and wisdom. While the big work happens behind the scenes, you and I dive into what we can do best as human beings. And especially as females.

Surrendering, believing, softening while holding space for clarity, oneness and truth to come in. This is the dance of divine feminine and masculine, the divine human embodied as 'love in action'. 
With this dance, we not only remember our core signature, we also open up to our original blueprint. That which is the holy trinity or the divine sovereign human.

My frequency is known as accurate, sharp, soft, elevating and magical. I know my being has seen so much and is supported by the living light forces I am willing to go all in. My clients are like this as well and when we come together, magic and miracles happen. Somehow you start to see but also practice your own ways of magic, this is the initiaton I am honored to witness.

My containers are living energy fields that have consciousness and guide us both to what we need to know. Often we are being asked to guide other spirits or kingdoms and offer our assistance . This is why my mentorship is an experience and you never know what you're gonna get but you can trust it's what you need to get to see, believe while actually working with your gifts

Clients who have worked with me have made big steps, developed their self trust, self mastery and gifts. Clients who have been in this container saw miracles happening by facing what was underneath and allowed miracles happening on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.


This mentorship is for you if you notice your heart longing for home and you know it is not outside the self. You realized you are so much more than what society told you but there is a fear of letting it out. You know your gifts are powerful and useful but there is something holding you back. Know that your gifts are from outside this world and that there are seals and deals to stop you from standing in your power. Knowing how to deal with this, learning dark art training and discernment is exactly what we will do.

This mentorship is for you if you are awakening to your multidimensionality and you see, hear, feel or sense a lot and you don't know how to regulate this. Feeling overwhelmed is not strange when different memories and aspects of your self are coming back. Often these periods need time of integration, acknowledgement and compassion. There is so much information you can find about different worlds, other realms and beings that is often not based on complete fields. I believe your inner guidance has all the answers and this is exactly what we will do in our time together. Restore and build your true power, wisdom and love for yourself and all around while learning to discern and practice empowerment.

This mentorship is for you if you are struggling with accepting polarities. The path is often all about learning to see the middle in extreme polarities. This means your family, friends, environment, jobs etc. will offer you situations where you learn to practice the neutral point or observer. This by all means doesn't mean you need to practice being insensitive since your feelings are the gateways to embody more of your whole being while emotions can take us of our path. We will work with the power of your intention and your unique way of decoding information and situations.

As mission coded beings we often are afraid to acknowledge our gifts. We'll travel to memories where you lost them to retrieve and integrate them. This is often just the beginning since working with them is the key to your embodiment. This means you will learn:

*Inner child  and womb healing
*Quantum healing
*Inner parts healing
*Ancestral healing

But also;

*Oracle training
*Somatic translation &
*Constellations are part of our sessions.


In this mentorship that can last 3, 6 or 9 months you will be supported by me with videocalls, audio's and text. I will not always be available but our container works through time and space and will guide both you and me to our next step of evolution and genetic destiny.

Since I am dutch and work from the Netherlands I accept English speaking and Dutch speaking clients.

Image Description

This is for you when:

  • You are done looping.
    And are ready to step into who you truly are to create what came to create.
  • Your gifts are coming online.
    And you want to work with them instead of the other way around,
  • You are opening up to more than what you have learned,
    And you need a safe space to talk this through and find a way to calibrate.
  • You feel your greatness.
    And there is something stopping you to accept and embody this,
  • You are in between.
    And you want clarity, sovereignty and softness to return,

Image Description

Sovereign co-creation.

Instead of promising you a rose garden, my way of working with you is more aligned with what is possible and needed for your soul's purpose. This can be challenging for the (spiritual) ego while a sense of freedom and self mastery is more and more embodied.

Because the time between our sessions is the playground you experiment with new believes, it's up to you when we meet. 

You pay for the period of time, not for the amount of sessions.

3 months

Euro 2550

* 1-1 sessions (60-180 min)
* text support
* audio support

In 3 months I've seen clients shift and transform. I suggest this package if you deal with a specific area of your life that you want guidance with. It usually takes 3 months to calm down the nervous system, see patterns & practice safety in the body.

Introduce a friend


If  you introduce a friend to my services, you will get a 20 % discount on all mentorship packages.

6 months

Euro 5500

* 1-1 sessions (60-180 min)
* text support
* audio support

After 3 months most clients are in connection to their body, know how to ride the solar waves and experience a deeper level of gnosis, embodiment and presence. Now it's time for deeper layers of embodiment, calibration of the sound field & discovering own gifts and purpose while new believes can be shaped and anchored in.

Sharing services


I'm open for different ways of exchanging. If you want to work together or have a suggestion, let me know.

Nine months

Euro 8000

* 1-1 sessions (60-180 min)
* text support
* audio support

After 6 months most clients enter the fields of co-creation, self mastery and decoding their own blueprint and cellular knowing. The foundation for living in purpose has been build and now it's time for actualization.

Payment plan


Payment plans are possible. 


Before you apply, take a moment to sit with it. ask your Godself if this is the moment to step into this container and be honest with yourself. You will be initiated into the next chapters of your life.

Are you ready to explore your inner magic?


Fill in the form.

Within a couple of days I will get back to you.

Free intake.

We will have an intake and feel into our dynamics. If we decide it's a match we start whenever the (first) payment is done. 

We begin our adventure.

I will ask you to take a look at your life now, what do you see and want for yourself with radical honesty, truth and compassion for yourself. Your intentions will be your initiatons and your containers for this journey.

Free Intake

Please write mentorship after your name.